GPSC Civil Service Pass out Candidates associated with LAKSH
- Neha PanchalDeputy Collector
- Adarsh Baser Dy Collector All Gujarat Rank 1
- Tanvi Trivedi Mamlatdar
- Shivam JaniAssistant Commissioner of State Tax
- Pankaj Rathod Section Officer (Sachivalay)
- Dhairya Shah Mamlatdar
- Chintan Chaudhari Chief Officer All Gujarat Rank 1
- Dhaval RaviyaMamlatdar
- Tushar PrajapatiCivil Supply Officer
- Avani Vasani AO All Gujarat Rank 1
GPSC Coaching Classes in Ahmedabad
What is GPSC?
Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) is a body established under article 315 of the constitution. It is responsible for recruitment and selection of class 1 & 2 officers for the most vibrant state of India. It conducts a variety of examinations for recruitment in Gujarat government. For more information Click Here GPSC
GPSC Class 1 & 2 exams are the apex level exams. Candidates who pass these exams are given posts in Gujarat administrative services like Dy. Collector, DySP (Deputy Supritendent of Police), District Registrar (DR), Mamlatdar, Section Officer, Taluka Development Officer (TDO), Civil Supply Officer, District Inspector of Land Records (DILR) among others. This is a three tier exams: Prelims Mains and Interview. Preliminary exams is conducted in Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) format. As per GPSC Calender 2024 now prelims can be conducted in offline or online mode. Online exams will be conducted as Computer Based Response Test (CBRT) as per the format prescribed by National Testing Agency (NTA). After clearing Prelims, students are called for mains examinations. It is written exams with strict word limits. Last stage is called as Interview or Personality Test. Here a candidate is called for interview in front of GPSC interview board.
GPSC Dy Mamlatdar and DySO examination are conducted frequently. It gives opportunity to the aspirant to serve in various departments of Sachivalay and field.
In order to recruit the officers in Gujarat GPSC is also conducting various examinations from time to time for various posts like Police Inspector Class 2, Chief Officer of nagarpalika, Asst. Professors, Asst Engineers, ACF/RFO among others. As per 2024 Calender GPSC is going to conduct recruitment exams for 1625 posts. Largest exam will be State Tax Inspector (STI) exams. It is also known as Rajya Vera Nirikshak. 573 post will be filled by single notification.
Candidates interested in joining this service may fill online examination form from this link: Ojas.
LAKSH Career Academy provides able mentorship to the aspirants of GPSC exams. Foundation Course is designed to help candidates navigate through journey of GPSC prelims, GPSC Mains & GPSC Interview as well as it covers variety of class 3 exams. Aprt from GPSC Class 1 & 2 exams this course prepares the candidates for GPSC STI exams, GPSC DySO & DyMamlatdar Exams, GPSC Police Inspector [P.I.] exams, GPSC Chief Officer [C.O.] exams. This course is designed to address variety of candidates from first year college students to post graduate candidates. Our past results has proved that LAKSH CAREER ACADEMY is the best GPSC coaching classes in Ahmedabad. Hundreds of candidates who join our training programme also experiences that LAKSH Career Academy is the best among GPSC classes in Ahmedabad.
Salient Features of GPSC Foundation Course:
- Coaching in small group batches of SUPER 30 rather than large general batches
- Coaching in English & Gujarati medium.
- Online and offline classes available. (Hybrid class facility)
- Live and Recorded class facility.
- This course is eligible under ‘Spardhatmak Talim Sahay Yojana‘ of Government of Gujarat. Students belonging to SC/OBC/EWS having 60% marks in 12th can avail Rs. 20,000/- credited directly from government if they maintain 70% attendance during the course duration. For more detail on EWS visit: click here For more detail on SC/OBC candidates visit:click here
- Specialised books & material included in the course. This material is prepared by an expert keeping the latest trend in competitive exams in mind. Best reference books of the market are also included. Besides material @ LAKSH is exclusive. It is not sellable to others.
- Test Series to access the performance of the students. Tests are of two types: Module Test (topic to topic) & full length test. Test series in unlimited. A student can always give any no. of tests.
- Free library & reading room facility for LAKSH students. More than 350 books are kept in the library to update the knowledge of the aspirant. Besides latest newspapers, magazines & periodicals are also brought. One can come for the reading room full day.
- State of the art infrastructure & AC smart classroom facility. Most subjects are taught with the most Techno-savvy methods.
- Teaching by best resource persons including senior IAS/IPS officers and SPIPA faculties.
- Mock interview by experts
- Mentorship by the Capt. Hiren Dave Sir
- Free Demo Class available before securing admission.
Faculty/ Educators
Course training is provided by reknown faculty members of Gujarat. We have a team of faculty members. Some of them are subject expers and academicians. Some of them includes senior or newly recruited civil servants. A large number of guest faculties are also visiting the institute from time to time. GPSC information in Gujarati and English is available only @ LAKSH: Guest Faculties Photos. Key subjects are taken by our Director Capt. Hiren Dave Sir: click here
1. What is the fees of GPSC Classes?
Our GPSC coaching programme is the most cost-effective mentorship programme.
Fees for 1 year coaching programme is Rs. 50,000/- inclusive of all.
Cost of 2 year coaching is only Rs. 62,500/- inclusive of all.
Cost of 3 year GPSC Course is only Rs. 75,000/-
2. How to start preparation for GPSC Exams?
Once you set the goal of cracking most difficult and prestigious exams of Gujarat, you have your task cut out.
Step 1: Download GPSC syllabus and go through it thoroughly.
Step 2: Read GCERT/NCERT books & other reference books. Enhance your reserach through online sources and youtube. Meet and listen to the toppers advise and optimise your study.
Step 3: Solve PYQ [Previous Year Question Papers]. Once you finish any subject by book reading then apply your hand on PYQ. See the level of question paper and find out where do you stand? How much you can score? Find out areas where questions are asked on regular bases. Make them your strong areas. Find out where you are lacking knowledge and read; do your research and get updated.
3. Some tips for GPSC exams self study?
Ans:- GPSC exams are aligning itself to the UPSC. So prepare more analytically then factually, if you are preparing analytically it will help you a lot.
Focus more on Gujarat then less of India because you are going to stay under the government of Gujarat so that is going to matter a lot.
Rather than reading a number of different books focus on the books which are recommended by the government of Gujarat. (For example -GCERT book and the books which are developed by Gujarat University Granth Nirman board etc.) that will help a lot. For current affair preparation :- Click Here.
4. Whick book is Best to crack GPSC?
Always rely on Government published material then money minting private publishers. Following books are the best for GPSC Exams:-
GCERT/NCERT textbooks
Navneet General Knowledge
Bharat ni Rajya Vyavastha by Subhash Kashyap
Gujarat ni lok sanskrutti by Hasutaben Sedani
Past year solved papers of GPSC exams
Indian Polity by M Lakshmikanth
Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
Gujarat and National Budget and Economic Survey
India Year Book
Websites of Government of India and Government of Gujarat
Oxford School Atlas
Gujarat Ni Bhugol by Manjulaben Dave
Bharat Ni Bhugol by Dr Y P Pathak
Bhautik Bhugol by Prof.Jasani and Prof.Shah
For Current Affairs-Any one of (The Hindu click here, Indian Express); any one of (Gujarat Samachar and Divya Bhaskar) Newspaper. For Gujarat related current affairs- The Best source is Gujarat Pakshik click here,
5. Which are the best sources of self study for GPSC Exams?
Apart from best books of every subjects do follow the following to enrich your knowledge
- PRS legislative reseach for polity related updates: click here .
- ADR is very imp. think tank for election and democracy related topics: click here .
- Sansad TV programmes are very good for creating broad outlook: click here .
- For regular update on Current Affairs: click here.
- Yojana & Kurukshetra Magazines provides analytical insights to many government schemes, to read the magazine: click here.
- To stay updated with all upcoming Union Govt Jobs: click here.
- For issues related to national security: click here.
- Public Policy related Ideas : click here.
6. Explain GPSC exam pattern.
Ans:- GPSC Conducts many exams every year. We discuss pattern of most popular GPSC Class 1 & 2 exams. The medium of the examination shall be English and Gujarati. Gujarati and English Papers in Mains Exam shall be in a respective language only.
The first examination will be Prelims exams and MCQ type. The paper should be in the two way General Studies-1 and General studies-2. And total marks is 400, both paper conducting 200 marks each. In general studies-1 the topics are History, Cultural History, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, International Relations, and General Mental Ability. And in General Studies-2 the topics are Indian Economy and Planning, Geography, Science and Technology, Current Events of Regional, National and International Importance.
Then after comes Mains examination in this all paper are descriptive. The total marks is 900. In mains examination first the Gujarati paper, English paper, Essay paper, General Studies-1, General studies-2, General studies-3, each paper conducting 150 marks. General studies-1 topics are History of India, Cultural Heritage, and Geography. General studies-2 topics are Indian Polity and Constitution, Public Administration and Governance, Ethics in Public Service. General studies-3 topics are Science and Technology, Indian Economy and Planning, Current Events of Regional, National and International Importance.
The candidates who are declared qualified in Mains Examination goes for the Personality Test. The total marks for Personality Test is 100. So the mains and personality test total will be 1000 marks.
For more information you can visit here:-How To Prepare For GPSC Exam.
7. How to prepare for GPSC Interview?
Ans:- Interview is a personality test. It is not just interviewing but it is an assessment of whole personality. GPSC interview is not the right term but the more important term is its P.T. or Personality test.
So GPSC board meets the candidates and try to see or try to judge the personality of the candidates that what the suitability of so and so candidates to be an officer. So it is the test to judge the various traits of candidates that how a person is suitable. So they judge the confidence, they the ability to interact, and presentation and communication skills.
Generally, candidates understand and interpreted that it is the test of knowledge but it is not at all the test of knowledge as GPSC board believe that as they have conducted prelims and mains examination so you are sound in the knowledge then only you reach in the interview.
So it is actually a test that how you interact with the board, your ability to handle pressure because in government job when you are going to be then you will be handling a lot of stress and pressure.
So candidates should have that capability, your capability of handling variety of situation, your biases that a candidate should be free from biases like any person coming to your office whether the person is rich or poor whether the person as belonging to caste and community any section you should be treated as per the law you should you should over and above the biases and influence.
So this trick is there then you can always be selected question are ask on the bases of this particular things and they try to judge you.
Generally, they ask the question regarding your test why you want to join the services, what is your education background from that they can ask what other career option is there so they try to make the comparison that why you want to come to this services.
Then they also ask question like you prelims and mains examination like for example which where optional subject but nowadays optional subject is no more so in the general studies various areas are there, question from current events also ask so any national and international current issue which is high at that time they ask question from that area also.
So if you are doing whether a government job or a private job so the question will be asked from your job profile law and regulation any current police from the government are there then that kind of things.
Then there is some situation question suppose you are posted as DYSP so what will you do in particular situation that kind of things will be there.
There also some question regarding to your job preferences suppose somebody has given 1st priority to DYSP, not deputy collector then they may ask your question that why you are taking DYSP as the 1st preference as you are giving a satisfactory answer you can always get the good selection and you can always get good marks.For more information you can visit:- MOCK INTERVIEW.
8. Is GPSC easy or Difficult?
Ans:- It is believed that GPSC is tough nut to crack. But you can prove it otherwise. Do smart work then hard work to crack GPSC, then you may find it easy. So prepare more analytically then factually, if you are preparing analytically it will help you a lot. There are many success stories who hail from ordinary academic backgroud but came out with shining colors in GPSC.
9. Important notice for recruitment?
Ans:- Important notice for recruitment are there and government is the large recruitment to the country so you can always go for the selection of the public sector government sector to get the recruitment you can visit our website you can come to LAKSH CAREER ACADEMY also beside to get the recruitment and recruitment idea you can visit the official website of the government that is UPSC.
UPSC which is union public service commission it takes an examination for all India services and center class-1 services. You can go to the websit . And you can also see the various advertisement day by day.
Then there is Central government recruitment for SSC (STAFF SELECTION COMMISION) you can go to the website to fill the form and other information
.As further like this only RRB, you can go to the website
GPSC which is state level for a various state. There are various state service also there. So at Gujrat level, there is OJAS you can also focus on the
For bank level recruitment examinations you can search the website So this kind of recruitment’s is there.